The first couple of months of 2022 has certainly proved to be an interesting time for us at the practice. Firstly, we had an unexpected week off at the beginning of January due to testing positive for Covid. Thankfully we all had very mild symptoms. On reflection this was a blessing in disguise as we received a mountain of paper for the purchase of Cambridge House that week so we were able to concentrate on that.
On the note of the purchase of Cambridge house we completed one month of from testing positive for Covid but not without last-minute delays and raising stress levels. But it was certainly all worth it, as it gives use greater control for the future of the practice. Some of you may have noticed some changes around the practice already, these are purely cosmetic at the moment in the way of new chairs in the waiting room/reception and matching chairs in each treatment room as well as new more modern looking light by the front door on the outside of the building. We have a number of plans for the practice that we hope to implement over next few years, which we hope will improve the experience of the people attending the practice. And finally, we have brought in a new piece of equipment to aid us with vascular assessments of our patient. In truth it is actual more a cardiology tool as it is designed to check the rhythm of the heart. The small but clever piece of equipment is the Alivecor 6L mobile ECG device. In the short time that we have being using it has already proved to be a valuable resource to the practice picking up a previously unknown case of atrial fibrillation for which we have sent the patient for further investigation. As time goes by this will used more and more as part of initial and annual assessments.
The practice remains as busy as ever and we are looking forward to another great year.